PHP - Function date_format()

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Another possible format is d. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press. Archived from on 2008-09-12.

Using strtotime to convert dates to timestamps A date and time stamp retrieved from a database query is often in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS which is not the sort of timestamp that can be accepted by the date function. The number of the month is usually written with Arabic numerals but it also can be written with Roman numerals, or the month's full name can be written out, the first letter not being capitalised. Rarely Yes No The format dd.

PHP - Function date_format() - There are so many formats available, most of them incompatible with others, that it can be a usability nightmare to choose a date representation when writing for an international, cross-cultural audience, as is the case on the web. So to answer the actual question.

Regardless, no one seems to know why Americans first started putting the month first. Thus, before people were too overly concerned with the likes of spelling, grammar, and conventions such as this, they just wrote it as was most convenient in whatever context. In fact, in at least one case we found, both formats even occurred in the same sentence! Of course, for the most famous speech of his career, President Franklin D. Although we find it normal, our month-first arrangement to the rest of the world makes little sense, being what one commentator has called middle-endian computer speak for bass-ackwards. Endian refers to the organization of binary data storage whereby the most significant byte 8-bit unit of data is typically stored first in the smallest address, on the left or last in the largest address, on the right. When it comes to bytes of numbers, the first left digit is usually the most significant and will have the greatest value e. In Chapter 4, Gulliver learns that a source of discord among the Lilliputians and the Blefuscuans was a royal decree regarding the : The emperor. Some of the populace resented this, and a bloody war ensued between the big-endians who wanted to be free to break their eggs as they chose, and the little-endians who followed the emperor. In staging this silly egg war, Swift satirized holy wars — such as those that raged between Protestants and Catholics during the 16th and 17th centuries — and more particularly their root causes. At least one commentator has opined that egg breaking may be a nod to the relatively slight variations between Protestant and Catholic communion rites during that period. In any event, clearly Swift was saying that arguing over such trivial matters is absurd, and everyone should be free to choose. Were this to be proposed for date formats, clearly the rest of the world would quickly vote to eliminate our middle-endian method. But when I went to renew my visa, they told me I was already a month late! I tried to explain the American convention of writing dates and they were extremely sceptical. I found it surprising that a visa office had never encountered this before. You should follow ISO-8601 rules for displaying temporal data. The reasons are simple; this string format sorts correctly. It is not standard yet, but is gaining support. It really depends on how you look at it. You could say the months represent 365 days in a year or just 12 months in a year. If looking at the 365 point, DD-MM-YYYY is logical, with day ranging from 1-28 to 31, months representing the 365, and years representing infinite, so small-middle-large. But from the 12 point of view, MM-DD-YYYY is just as logical because months are 1-12, days are 1-28 to 31, and year is infinite, so small-middle-large again. Our max date format would be 12-31-2016 compared to 31-12-2016. The only way the DD-MM-YYYY format would not be middle-endian is if the months were actually written in 365 format, so 31-365-2016 or leap year 31-366-2016, which why include the month day if your including the year day? So again, it is all in how you look at it. It is big-endian vs small-endian, with a subgroup of small-endians debating what part of the small end is the small end, because we like being difficult. I assumed it was down to the way the dates were spoken. July 4th being an obvious example. Here we would say 4th of July. So I come across the American format on a daily basis. Either because server Admins forgot to change their date formats or, as is becoming increasing more likely, couldnt be bothered. It has got to the point where i always assume all date data i deal with could be in any format.

47 - PHP Date Function - date format, string to date, due date, next date
Example: 654321 v Milliseconds added in PHP 7. Note: This can be more reliable than simply adding or subtracting the number of seconds in a day or month to a timestamp because of daylight saving time. For those of us still needing it, here is between hack to get the job done. To achieve this, we have made the changes in the site's Regional settings, using the steps given below, and this change will update the date and time everywhere in your site list and library. O Difference to Greenwich time GMT in hours Difference: +0200 P Difference to Greenwich time GMT with colon between hours and minutes added in PHP 5. Retrieved August 10, 2013. Filipino dates may also be written in mmmm d, yyyy in civil use but still pronounced as above. To avoid confusion, I only separate YYYY-MM-DD with hyphens. date format usa php The 24-hour notation is also widely used byhospitals, various forms of transportation, and at radio and other broadcast media outlets behind the scenes where scheduling programming needs to be exact, without mistaking AM and PM. DMY for Gregorian calendar. Example: 654 Timezone --- --- e Timezone medico added in PHP 5. Example: 654321 v Milliseconds added in PHP 7.